BASM - Support - CryptoDATA

Stay in sync

Stay in sync with Matrix ID

When you use a BASM laptop or an IMPulse K1 smartphone, you’re able to do incredible things. And when you use them together, you can do so much more. By using your Private Key, you can access your secure data from anywhere and at any time regardless of the device of choice, IMPulse K1 or BASM.

By creating a Matrix ID (sa ii pui link catre Matrix ID), a Blockchain digital identity, you will be able to sync your data on both devices, BASM laptop and IMPulse K1 smartphone, using the Private Key.


Interoperability features between BASM & IMPulse K1 using the Private Key:

• access your contacts
• access your data
• access your account through Matrix ID on IMPulse K1 (no SIM card required)
• ensures your anonymity as Matrix ID doesn’t require personal information

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